How To Enjoy A More Sustainable Christmas


We’re officially in the countdown to Christmas and there’s no doubt that this year is going to look a little different. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but that’s code for ‘Christmas is fucked because of the massive global pandemic but we’re trying to keep spirits up.’

I am (mostly) joking of course, because there are still lots of things we can look forward to, lots of ways we can enjoy ourselves and celebrate. All is not lost, but it doesn’t take away from how tough this year has been and what we’ve learnt.

If you’re anything like me, this year might have caused you to think differently about your shopping habits. I don’t really shop online, so I found that when I stopped going to the shops, I suddenly didn’t need to buy all the stuff I usually do. I think as a whole we’ve really seen the benefits of buying less, shopping small and being more environmentally conscious.

Christmas famously produces A LOT of unnecessary waste, but there are some simple (and affordable!) switches you can make to reduce your own festive impact.


Watch Your Wrapping

Some really simple switches will make your wrapping look amazing and be recyclable too. Any wrapping paper that is shiny or glittery can’t be recycled and will have to go to landfill. Use basic brown paper and paper tape so that it can all go straight into recycling. Make your wrapping stand out with stamps, jute string and festive plants.

Give Vouchers and Experiences

Not sure what to buy someone? Rather than risk giving something they don’t want that will just go to waste, buy a voucher for a meal or an experience. No wasted products or packaging, will definitely be appreciated and you can support a local business at the same time - win win!

Vote with your coin

I can’t talk about making sustainable changes without pointing out that the worlds biggest companies and corporations have the biggest negative affects on the environment. Jumping onto amazon for whatever you need may be super convenient and you might even save yourself some money, but you might be able to buy what you need from a small business who pays tax, makes positive environmental choices and is transparent about their sources. Sometimes we all need to choose the most convenient or cheap options, but making a habit to support businesses that care about the things we care about, whenever possible, does make a difference.


Share your views with your loved ones

Don’t want to end up with a load of stuff that you have to find space for, donate or pretend to use? Tell the people who buy for you that you don’t want them to spend money on things you won’t get use out of. It can feel uncomfortable telling people what to buy you, but lots of times people will be grateful for the guidance! Ask for vouchers for your favourite restaurant or a contribution to something that you really want.

Have a veggie Christmas

The meat industry contributes massively to the destruction of the environment and has a giant carbon footprint. You might not be ready to give up your traditional Christmas dinner, but any reduction of the meat and diary in your diet is a positive step and an excellent environmental choice.

Do you have any other suggestions for being more sustainable this Christmas? Let me know in the comments!