The Return of Sugar Storm Studio


Sugar Storm Studio returns on October 23rd 2020 with a brand new alternative fashion collection and a rerelease of some specially selected classics. 

Creative empowerment for the wild, the weird and the rebels.

Sugar Storm Studio is a creative studio empowering you to embrace your wild and weird side through alternative fashion, creative content and DIY workshops. We are here to celebrate weirdness, self-expression, skill-sharing and individuality. Let your freak flag fly with wearable art and hand crafted accessories, learn new skills and express yourself with creative workshops. 

After business came to a standstill in March 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and founder Charlotte Hamilton finding herself with a lot of time and no work, she took the opportunity to go right back to basics and restructure the business, while at the same time designing and creating a whole new product collection that is bigger and better than ever. 

‘’I leant on my creativity at a time where things were really hard and I was struggling with my mental health and the collective struggles of the world. The redevelopment of Sugar Storm Studio gave structure to my days when the things I relied on were removed, and giving myself total freedom to create just for fun with no pressure of deadlines or perfection was so important to getting me through that time. The result is a practically new business that I’m so proud of, and a collection of products that became a true celebration of self by me exploring my own loves and passions, and combining that with empowering messages and spooky illustrations. I hope that creativity comes through the collection and will inspire and empower my audience to embrace their own individuality and creativity and express themselves in the ways they love.’’ - Founder, Charlotte Hamilton 

The Originals 

We are alternative. We are unique. We are Loud. We are ready to stand out. We are here. We are The Originals.

The Originals is the upcoming collection for Sugar Storm Studio. It is an unapologetic celebration of being truly yourself, and having a good time while doing it. Find environmentally conscious alternative fashion and accessories featuring original illustrations to share your spooky, weird and wild side. 

The Comeback 

You thought you’d seen the last of us 


Sugar Storm Studio returns with a selection of products from previous Sugar Storm collections to celebrate the original brand ethos - ‘stay wild, stay weird’. These best-selling designs have been upgraded to the new super-soft organic t-shirts, and paired with the original hand-crafted jewellery collection. Get ready to stand out and make a statement with bold and colourful illustrated designs from The Comeback collection.

The Values of Sugar Storm Studio

Sugar Storm Studio stands for sustainability, transparency, accessibility and inclusivity.

Everyone involved in the Sugar Storm team understands the importance of continual work of our values, which include anti-racism, anti-homophobia, anti-fatphobia, anti-transphobia, intersectional feminism, equality, living your life how you want, being who you are and standing up for those who need it.

I understand this is ongoing work and I am committed to learning and building these values into Sugar Storm Studio. I welcome being held accountable if mistakes and misjudgements are made.

Charlotte Hamilton