December 2021 Tarot Reading


As the year comes to a close, let’s pull a tarot card and see what this final month has in store for us, what energy is circulating and what is calling our attention. Here is your tarot reading for December 2021.

Today I pulled from the Mystic Mondays deck, and the card I pulled for December is the Two of Pentacles. The two of pentacles is a card of balance, organisation and managing your priorities.

Two of pentacles tarot card sits on top of spread of face down tarot cards.

At this time of year it’s not uncommon to feel like your being stretched too thin, like the pressures of work, home and social life are getting a bit too much but you’re also expected to be seen to be enjoying yourself at at all times, right? I think this year that’s even more intense because there’s a sense of all the things we’ve missed out on, so we want to make the most of it, we want to be out in the world and say yes to everything. But there’s still a lot of fear around, nothing is certain and as a collective we haven’t even begun to process and heal from the last two years.

Scales in balanced position

If you feel like your one Christmas drinks invitation away from locking your door and going back into isolation until January, or one minor inconvenience away from dropping all the balls and losing complete control - the two of pentacles encourages you to re-examine your priorities and regain some balance. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, you may need to say no to some things to make sure you can do the things you really want to do.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, make a list of all your commitments, the things you need to do and the things you want to do, and get organised. Is there anything you can step away from? Do you need to start saying no to anything extra? Be strategic with your time, and protective of your energy. Make time for rest and don’t feel guilty if you need to say no to those after-work drinks just because you need to sit inside and watch Netflix.

Feet up in cosy socks with Christmas lights in the background

And remember, no one is doing everything really well, despite how it might look on social media. So give yourself a break and pat yourself on the back for doing the best you can.

If you’d like to receive your own bespoke tarot reading, click the links below to book your very own bespoke tarot reading from the comfort of your home:

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