TAROT for empowerment


Tarot is a beautiful tool dating back to as early as the 14th century. It’s often misunderstood, but it is really versatile and can be used in as many ways as there are people who read tarot. It is most commonly used as a form of divination, which means to connect with or receive messages from a higher source; whether that’s spirit, the subconscious, the higher self, guides or whatever else you believe in.

I want to share my love of tarot in a really down to earth way that meets you where you’re at and provides guidance in the real world. My focus, as with everything Sugar Storm, is on empowerment, self-expression and individuality. Tarot readings are a way to connect with yourself on a deeper level, carve out some unapologetic self-care time, block out the noise and tune in to what you really want out of life.

The experience you might have with tarot is heavily dependent on the person that’s reading for you, because although tarot is a tool with a rich history, and great symbolism, artistry and meaning behind it, the thing that brings it to life is the reader.

Because I think it’s so important that you connect with your reader and the way they work - even in a written format - I’m going to share as much as I can about my beliefs about tarot, how I learnt and how I use it, so you can be sure if we’re a good fit to work together.

Questions? Head to my FAQ page here.

If you’re ready to jump straight in, click the links below to book your slot now, or scroll down if you want to learn more. I also share blogs and resources on how and where to learn more about tarot if you want to start reading for yourself.


Lightning Moments - Written Readings

Lightning moments are bitesize written tarot readings delivered direct to your inbox for you to digest in your own time. Choose from a choice of three card spreads and receive your bespoke reading within two days along with guidance on how to read and understand it. Book now for £10.

Empower Hour

Empower Hours use a combination of tarot reading and creative mentoring to explore your own purpose, strengths, challenges and direction, allowing space for reflection and conversation. We finish with a summary and action steps so you leave feeling confident in what you’re going to do next. Book now from £40.


MY tarot story

Like many children I was drawn to witchy shops and have strong memories of wanting to be in these shops, surrounded by crystals, magic and the smell of incense. I used to have a crystal meditation set, which came with a collection of crystals and a CD of mediation music, and I’d sit crossed legged in the middle of a circle of crystals and meditate. I must have been about 6 or 7 years old, and it never occurred to me that was odd for a child to do. As I grew up I grew away from anything directly spiritual, until a few years ago.

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There was no exciting breakthrough moment or dramatic reveal when I was pulled back into spirituality, it was really uneventful and gradual. I’d been talking about how I wish I could read tarot for a while, but always assumed it had to be something passed down through generations, or that there was a secret code, or only people who were already psychic could do it. Once I’d read that it was possible to learn tarot, I’d already decided to give it a go. I went into my local witchy shop, and bought the tarot deck that is frequently recommended as a beginner deck - the Rider Waite Smith deck. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I fell in love with it really quickly. I loved the artwork, I loved reading about the history and meaning behind each card, and I loved spending my time doing something that was just for me. For a long time I didn’t tell anyone I was doing it. It felt really sacred to me and I wanted to protect it from any external opinions. I genuinely didn’t think I’d have any interest in reading tarot for others, let alone professionally.

After dabbling for a while, in March 2020 I decided to really throw myself into a more active form of learning - I read books, watched youtube videos, listened to podcasts and made so many notes. The history and the traditional meanings and symbolism hold a lot of weight in the way I read tarot. but the thing that really made the difference was learning how to listen to my intuition, understanding the way the cards interact with each other, and how they reflect modern life, and this came from practice.

Since then I’ve continued to learn and deepen my understanding of tarot. I’ve attended courses and spiritual circles, written and read about the subject and stayed open to always learning.

My favourite thing about reading tarot is the way it connects with people and draws out what they need to hear, whether they need comfort, guidance, reassurance or encouragement. It speaks to people because it’s a reflection of them, I’m just an interpreter.

Want to know more? Find some selected blogs below or scroll down for reviews.


‘‘Charlotte created a welcoming, comfortable and safe space for me to explore my thoughts. It was so amazing to have the soul focus on the creativity side of myself. I really felt like it cleared some cobwebs and got down to the seed of what my soul, my purpose wants/needs. It gave me an incredible sense of validation. I'm so thankful for it.’’ - Empower Hour 29/11/22

‘‘Thank you so much for my reading earlier today! Having not ever done it before, I can admit I was slightly sceptical. You made me feel really comfortable and everything said felt really (surprisingly) accurate!! I came off our call feeling really positive about my current circumstances and how to approach 2021. You was spot on with so many parts of my reading and gave me a sense of encouragement which I didn’t anticipate prior. Thank you so much again for your time and also changing my perception of Tarot readings!’’ - Video Tarot Reading 29/12/20

‘‘That was a wonderful experience. Thank you so much for offering this! As I told you, my last reading experience wasn't a good one. It felt like this person was trying for me to answer questions to fit into their predictions, which felt a bit uncomfortable. Quite opposite to what I felt during your reading! For starters, you have such a calm and inviting energy that helped me feel at ease very fast. I was mindblown by what you said. I've had this conversation with my husband last night about how I was feeling, and you called it!! Again, thank you so much for your time and your wonderful and guiding reading.’’ - Video Tarot Reading 5/01/21

‘‘Charlotte!!!! How f**cking awesome are you? Absolutely love your ‘read this first’ doc and the actual reading was wonderful x thank you’’ - Lightning Moments Email Tarot Reading 31/01/21

Have you had a Lightning Moments tarot reading? I’d love to hear what you thought of it.

(lt might feature on here, so don’t share anything you wouldn’t want public!)


the official bit

Tarot and psychic readings have been performed for hundreds of years and provided many benefits to those who receive them. I wholeheartedly believe in the craft and the results they can provide, all services are offered with genuine purpose.

You are reminded that you may not receive the results you are looking for, and that tarot or any other form of divination is not a substitute for the appropriate medical, mental health, financial or legal professionals.

For legal reasons, tarot readings are intended for entertainment purposes only. All information, guidance and advice shared within readings is for your consideration only, and any actions taken as a result remain your sole responsibility.

By booking a reading, you agree to these terms and you confirm you are over the age of 18 and that there is no mental, emotional or physical reason why you should not receive this reading.